About Barry Baldwin of New York

Barry Baldwin | New York
Barry Baldwin | New York

Barry Baldwin worked for the New York City (NYC) Transit Authority for 27 years. He received a number of safety awards and certificates, each of which represents a year-long or three year period with no incidents. Barry Baldwin also stands out as a recipient of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) certificate, which recognized his high level of service for passengers with special needs.

Mr. Baldwin joined the NYC Transit Authority having served for nearly 15 years as a mailroom machine operator for New York City offices. He worked for three years with Chase Manhattan Bank, where he ensured the correct sealing and postage of firm correspondence. He went on from this role to serve in a similar capacity for Bradford Securities and Time Direct Service, which he left to begin his career as a bus operator.

Mr. Baldwin maintains an active lifestyle. He walks approximately five miles each week and a total of about 20 miles per month, and on the weekends he cycles for 10 miles. He also lifts light weights to maintain his cardiovascular health and muscle tone.

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