Simple Exercises That Effectively Boost Circulation

Based in New York, Barry Baldwin has decades of experience in the transportation industry as a NYC Transit Authority bus operator. A fitness-focused individual, Barry Baldwin walks and cycles in New York when he has the chance, and also works out with light weights to keep his muscles in tone and circulation healthy.

With five quarts of blood passing through the blood vessels every minute, a well-functioning circulatory system is essential to deliver oxygen throughout the entire body, while also ensuring that waste is effectively eliminated. The simplest way to get blood pumping at the right level is through exercises that cause the heart muscle to contract at higher rates and move blood more rapidly through the cardiovascular system.

A combination of aerobic and resistance training is ideal, with the punch-and-twist being a popular combination. Mimicking a boxer’s stance, the exercise starts in a standing position and involves alternating arm punches as far out as possible, accompanied by a small twist of the spine each time. The extension and flexion of the elbows work out the arms and rotate the trunk in ways that also engage the diaphragm muscles.

Another circulation-improving exercise is the simple push-up, which combines cardio and resistance—elevating the heart rate while working out the upper body. Low-impact diaphragmatic breathing can also be effective in increasing circulation, as it stimulates the deep lymphatic structures that are essential in transferring waste materials and nutrients between the blood stream and tissues. This can be accomplished by lying on one’s back and placing one hand on the stomach and one on the chest. A sign of diaphragmatic breathing is when the hand on the belly rises with each breath, while the hand on the chest stays at a constant height.